While you’re holding the object with the Physics Gun, the Mouse Wheel will move it closer and further away from you. Now get out your Physics Gun (Mouse Wheel to it) and you can pick up the spawned object with Left Mouse. As a side note, if you want a chair that you can actually sit in (using E) then you have to go to the Vehicles Tab of the Spawn Menu. So if you just spawned something at the other end of the map, let go of Q, look somewhere closer, and try it again. Clicking on one will cause it to spawn at the center of your screen.
Now open the Spawn Menu (hold down Q) and you will see a ton of props. Pick another model and equip your RPG launcher (Mouse Wheel to it), and shoot at your feet to kill yourself and respawn as the new character. Open the Context Menu (hold down C), and in the upper left you will see an icon that lets you change your playermodel. Move around a bit (WASD), scroll through some guns (Mouse Wheel), and jump (Space). Click on Start New Game, click on a map, leave it at Single Player, and start that game.
This is your game mode, and you can change it but for now let’s leave it at Sandbox. In the lower right hand corner you’ll see a box that says Sandbox by default. Getting StartedSo let’s enter a Sandbox game and get started.