This mode will allow you to move an atom or a bond just by clicking&dragging. Shared HELM libraries: if you are into HELM notation, you can use ChemDraw to centrally manage, curate and share libraries of molecules. From here you will be able to change the atom label (from C to O, for example): If you double click on an atom, the 'Edit Atom Data' dialog will be displayed. You can also change the symbol just by hovering the mouse over the atom and typing the applicable letter (this tool works only for one-letter elements such as C, P, N, O.) When you select an atom, move it over another one and release the mouse button, only the last atom will stay (except when the first selected atom is non-carbon and the second atom is carbon). This scroll down menu, will allow you to draw cycles. INSERT DRAWING FROM CHEMDRAW INTO MESTRENOVA PROFESSIONAL.INSERT DRAWING FROM CHEMDRAW INTO MESTRENOVA SOFTWARE.INSERT DRAWING FROM CHEMDRAW INTO MESTRENOVA HOW TO.